Department of «Machines and devices of production processes»

Head of the Department

Shambulov Ermek Dosanbekovich

Candidate of Technical Sciences

8 (727) 293-52-88 (ext. 153,154)


In 1975, in the Almaty branch of the Dzhambul Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, three independent departments were organized on the basis of the “Special Technologies” department, including the “Machines and Apparatuses of Production Processes” department. The organizer and first head of the department was Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Bobeev Abdrakhman Bobeevich. In subsequent years, the department was headed by leading scientists of the republic in the field of mechanization, automation of the food and processing industry:

  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Istaev Zh.M.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Izbasarov D.S.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Repp K.R.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Bekbaev A.B.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Ospanov A.B.
  • Ph.D., Associate Professor Kuzembaev K.K.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Rskeldiev B.A.
  • Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Surashov A.A.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dzhingilbaev S.S.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Erkebaev M.Zh.
  • Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Usupov S.S.

Currently the department is headed by Ph.D. Shambulov Ermek Dosanbekovich.

The department of “Machines and apparatus for production processes” is one of the large specialized departments of the university for training bachelors, masters and PhDs for the food and processing industries of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Department of “Machines and Devices of Production Processes” is the graduating department of the Faculty of “Engineering and Information Technologies”, which trains competent, highly qualified specialists with theoretical and practical skills in the specialty: “Technological machines and equipment”, “Refrigeration machines and air conditioning systems”.


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